Fresh Jess

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Seattle Seahawks' Derrick Coleman is Awesome

One of the most interesting things about this year's Seattle Seahawks squad is that it's quite the band of misfits. Undrafted. Free agents. Young talents flying under the radar. All of them wanted a chance, and Uncle Pete (Carroll) and his staff gave them one. Our fullback, Derrick Coleman, is no different. His commercial for Duracell* reflects on his strength, will, and persistence in overcoming adversity. He's fought hard to get where he is, and now he's headed to the Super Bowl!

*I've only watched this commercial once. I was bawling and know for sure I'll do it every time I watch it again.

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Since this commercial debuted a couple of weeks ago, Coleman's become a hero to so many out there who are deaf. One little girl in particular wrote him a letter thanking him for inspiring her and her twin. Dad tweeted the letter out to him, and Derrick (new to Twitter as of this week!) responded with a tweet & photo of his written letter response:

@Seahawks @DC2forlife you've inspired my little girls in a way I never could. THANK YOU! #Seahawks #SuperBowlXLVIII
— jake kovalcik (@JakeIsMobile) January 21, 2014
@JakeIsMobile Your girls are awesome! Read them my letter back when you can! Thank you for the support! Means a lot!
— Derrick Coleman Jr (@DC2forlife) January 22, 2014

How could you not ride for a guy like that?