Fresh Jess

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Resolution Challenge 2014: No Sophomore Slump!

SUP Y'ALL! My cough is lingering a bit but I'm otherwise back to normal from that nasty sick bug and I am for real, for real, for real getting back in the swing of blogging. For real. For the first time in weeks, I finally feel like myself again and I'm truly ready to take on the new year. It's a strange but absolutely necessary feeling to be uncomfortable in your own skin, in your various situations. I spent a lot of time last month contemplating what's most important to me - and blogging remains very close to the top of those priorities. Feels good to be home!

The Resolution Challenge is in full swing, and tomorrow we start our 10-day detox. Because I've been sick and out of sorts, I've been struggling with making the solid connection to my Challenge this year. There's a really active Facebook group for the Challenge this year, with a lot of activity from first-time Challenge participants. While it's been super cool to see how others are gearing up for the detox, sharing food pics & recipes doesn't light my fire like it did last year. I worked hard last year to incorporate all of these foods and meals into my everyday life. I know what I like, what works for me and what I should probably try for this detox, but it's all already there for me. So how am I going to get excited for the Challenge this time?

My fridge for Resolution Challenge 2014 week one detox. Green monsters took over again!

Don't get me wrong. I fell off during the holidays, and I mean fell OFF.

Hard. I know what's good for me, I just favored all the bad stuff. Voluntarily. We stopped group workouts in early November, and I quickly let myself fall off the workout wagon too. I became everything I worked hard not to be anymore, and let a blanket of holiday parties, travel and general chaos gloss over and hide my inactivity. Then after Christmas, I got super sick - with not much to blame except for my own eating and workout habits.

My 'before' pic for Resolution Challenge 2014, taken on 1/5/14. I'm sharing this for accountability, because in ten days it'll look mad different! I love my body and am not shy about it - I just know I've been eating bad & not working out. I'm back on it!

Despite a gnarly cough and near-deliriousness, I forced myself out to a Zumba class and our first Resolution Challenge group workout this week. Damn, they felt so good! It was after that group workout that I finally realized where my enthusiasm lies. What will light my fire in this year's Resolution Challenge. I had the sweet taste of what it's like to have consistent fitness in my life last year, and totally forgot what that was like until this past weekend. How quickly and easily we forget! I want fit Jess back. I am drunk in love ((c) Beyonce) with fit Jess. She gave each and every workout her all, and pushed harder each time. Outside of the gym, she learned and understood that what she ate, and everything she did with her day was directly correlated with her work out.


(Photo via Nike Training Club Facebook page)

Last year during the Resolution Challenge, I stuck mostly to the beginner workouts, and even those were hard. I remember not being able to do some of the exercises, and I definitely struggled with walking planks (I blamed my weak, former violinist wrists!) After a year, I can do all of the exercises I couldn't do last year, and walking planks are a (relative) breeze. I'm doing only the advanced workouts during the Challenge this year, and doing the full workout each day - no excuses. I signed myself up for all available group workouts, at the earliest time slots so that I can get myself back in the groove of being up early. I miss that too.

The fitness possibilities are endless, and this year that's where my Resolution Challenge fire lies. I'm going to blog during the detox and the rest of the Challenge like I did last year, and share my insights and lessons along the way. I hope that whatever resolution, cleanse, detox or challenge you set for yourself in the new year lights your fire, and maybe these posts can relate to you in some way. I'm excited to get my fit self back and would love to hear what you're committed to this year!