i'm like rev run - a small reflection on '08

i got less than two hours left til the new year and i don't want to spend it blogging, but i did want to share one small reflection on the past year. if i can take anything away from 2008, it's that thinking and exuding positive vibes is a powerful thing. so simple yet so hard to master, right?

we all have our bad days (especially these past few months) but negativity is time and energy mad wasted. looking out for the best possible outcome in everything, even when you can't see it, is an amazing motivator to do better for self, for others and for the world. it's a lot more work to look for the positive than to feel sorry for yourself or to blame others, but the outcome is soooo much better in the end!

please keep that in mind as you encounter challenges, downfalls, downturns (:P) and just shitty days. be fortunate that you will be a better person once you overcome it! be fortunate that you have the life that you do, because there is always someone out there who can use your help.

i wrestle with this every day, in my work and in life. challenging myself to think and stay positive has led to some things i can really be proud of looking back: taking on an events director promotion, joining the board for dress for success' young execs for success (YES), and being nominated for the Puget Sound Business Journal's 40 Under 40 list among the major things; navigating my relationship, dealing with stress and managing my time among some of the smaller things.

i look forward to great things in '09 and wish you much success, happiness, prosperity and POSITIVITY!

i now only have good days and great days
-lance armstrong