Everybody loves a sweet swag bag, right? Well, no fashion blogger project would be right without goodies to keep us looking, smelling and feeling fresh. WWDMAGIC was no exception, and boy did they treat us right!

Fresh Jess_WWDMAGIC_The Haul
Fresh Jess_WWDMAGIC_The Haul

I was so excited to see what was in my pile of gifted goodies from a few very kind WWDMAGIC vendors. It truly was like Christmas morning in the blogger team war room over at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Quiet concentration on opening and unwrapping led to some fabulous surprises. I tried my best to get a photo of everything in one shot!

WWDMAGIC_Fresh Jess_The Haul
WWDMAGIC_Fresh Jess_The Haul

The TwoPointOh team also stocked us with some amazing beauty products. Those L.A. Fresh makeup remover and cleanser wipes came in so clutch after a long day or night out of show floor and parties. I've been wearing the Jouer matte base'YES to Carrots' lip balmToo Faced 'Better Than Sex' mascara & Flower Beauty 'Chocolate Lily' lipstick almost every day since MAGIC Market Week ended!

WWDMAGIC_Fresh Jess_The Haul
WWDMAGIC_Fresh Jess_The Haul

Special thanks to all the kind vendors for their lovely goodies!

Stay tuned for more of my FJ @ WWDMAGIC coverage! Outfit diary, new discoveries, favorite picks, oh my!