On creating space & treating yourself (w/a Skoah deal!)
/Hey, long time no see! Tis the season for holiday chaos, and I have indeed fallen into a self-imposed "busy trap." One of my beliefs has always been to only blog when I have something thoughtful to say or share, and lately…I don't know, I just haven't been inspired enough to do so.
It's a very weird feeling for me to not want to blog. For the first time ever, I've even questioned whether or not I want to keep blogging at all. It's just one symptom of a feeling that's seeped into a lot of the other parts of my life. Feelings of discontent, unhappiness and dissatisfaction with everything I'm doing. I'm asking myself whether I'm still interested in some of the very things that have given me so much opportunity. It's left me with a lot to think about lately, and aside from my daily to-do list and holiday merriment, this is what I've been spending my time on.
Lately I feel like blowing everything up and starting completely over - my blog, who I follow on social media, what I'm doing on my consulting side. But where do I start? I'm so discontent, it's overwhelming to know where to begin - and thanks to the holidays, it's easy to put things off for later.
Image created by Rule29
Something that's been very clear to me throughout all of this is that I need to create space in my life. Space to think, reconnect, create and just dream. I've worked hard this year to make lots of my dreams come to life, and now it's time for new ones (or maybe updated versions of current ones!) Creating space has also felt necessary in connections, both offline and off. From the 'friends' who take more than they give, and from the social media which has been sucking up way too much of my time, attention and energy for far too long.
Jacob and I took spent some time in southern California recently, and during that week I allowed myself that space. Instead of jam-packing my time there with work, to-dos and to-see's, I just absorbed life for a week. Some yoga, hiking and running outside, some exploring of the various beaches off of PCH - and most importantly, some time to write and brainstorm. I took myself out of that rut of only doing tactical things on my to-do list and finally put some thought and creation into my blog's media kit as well as a total redesign of the site (stay tuned!)
On the consulting tip, I've felt like I've taken on work and clients just because they've come to me, not necessarily because it's what I want to do. I also gave myself the time that week to think about how I'm articulating the services I want to do as a consultant, and the kinds of clients I want to work with. In blogging and consulting, it's hard to say no when someone clearly wants to work with you. It's a lot easier when you know what you want to do in the first place.
I've stuck to my fitness and health commitment, but have also given in to probably more than my fair share of holiday indulging and excuses. It's freezing out, and there have been a lot of parties to go to this season! I'm not totally off the wagon - my body still insists on a green smoothie every day and I try to choose super foods and other good meal choices when I'm feeling it. But I'm definitely ready for the Resolution Challenge and getting back up on my game again.
Growth and transition are exciting, but no one ever said they'd be fun and comfortable. I know this is transition time to help get me in the mind frame for what's to come, but it's unsettling to not like anything about my current status. All I know is that I have a lot of work to do, and somewhere inside is the fire to do it.
I'll be back blogging soon (there's a sponsored post going up tomorrow but was written weeks ago. That doesn't count.), and in the mean time, I'd like to share with you a little treat if you're in the Seattle area. I had the pleasure of checking out Seattle's newest spa, Skoah - which takes an interesting spin on skincare with "personal training" for your skin. I'll provide a more in-depth look at Skoah later on, but for now you can enjoy $50 off a facial if you book before Christmas Eve. That makes most of their facials just $35 out of your pocket - such a great deal! Treat yo' self :) Happy holidays!
Print & use me before Christmas Eve!