Resolution Challenge 2014: On Setting Intention + More
/We're just about two weeks into the Resolution Challenge (including our prep week) and halfway through our detox. So far, so good! Detoxes are a funny thing; even though this is my third one, it's teaching me so much about my mind, body and soul in every moment.
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I feel funny!
When you detox, your body rids itself of toxins from processed foods, sugar, caffeine and negativity in general. It's wild paying attention to those subtle but definite changes happening in your body in a short amount of time. I remember having headaches that triggered nausea & near-migraine-like symptoms on the first day of last year's detox. I thought this year would be different, but nope! Nausea & headache again. I guess straying from Jenn's superfood diet during the holidays really came back to kick me in the booty. I haven't had any other detox symptoms since then so I count myself pretty lucky - although most of the foods we're eating I made a habit of eating last year anyway. All in all, I'm doing my best to listen to my body. I'm sleeping a little earlier, eating when I'm hungry (and only until I'm good, not stuffed - portion control is everything) and pushing my body as much as I can in my workouts.
Stronger every day
Speaking of workouts, I AM SO EXCITED TO BE BACK IN THE GROOVE. We're doing something different every day, and my body is re-familiarizing itself with the painful beauty of hi-intensity interval training (HIIT) and tabata workouts. I can't wait until I feel like I'm back to my peak strength and endurance levels - so I can push past them for one more rep, one more set. This year's Resolution Challenge is mostly about the fitness for me, and I'm anxiously awaiting Phase II of the Challenge - where we transition off of our detox, into the superfood diet and incorporating more intensity in our workouts. I'm still doing Zumba as much as I can during the Challenge, and love it so much I'll do it even on a 6am workout day. It gives me a chance to see my BFF during the week, and that's worth it alone!
Image via Pinterest
Setting intention
Something I've been working on since the new year is writing in my journal everyday, and starting each entry with my daily intention. It's a resolution of sorts. I am distracted so, so easily and setting intention is my way of setting my North Star - whether that's for the day, for the Resolution Challenge, for a specific project or workout, whatever. When I set intention, it's a phrase or mantra I can come back to whenever I feel like I've veered off-course. It gives me something to focus on, and helps me make choices with and within my day. Each day is so different, so I'm looking forward to seeing how my intentions change with each entry.
Distractions have made it hard for me to blog on the Challenge as much as I want to, but we're just getting started and there'll be a lot more to write about. My detox results, workout progress and so much more. Stay tuned!