Finally, taking care of myself has been a huge theme in my thirties, in case you haven't noticed :) I like to think of it as "hustling differently." There's a lot of actions and traits associated with hustle, productivity and working hard that just aren't me - and yet, here I am on my grind every moment of every day.
Hustle different to me means:
- getting enough sleep (Team Naptime, not Team No Sleep)
- working out or getting active every day
- listening to my body (and brain) when it needs rest
- making good choices at the grocery store, making meals or at restaurants as much as possible
- drinking hella water (I'm not a coffee drinker)
- bye alcohol (not all the time, but most of the time)
- making solid time for enjoying life (not working all the damn time)
More than anything, gratitude is the attitude I approach everything with nowadays. I'm so thankful for the amazing souls who are in my life who've made my world so rich with opportunities, exciting challenges and honest friendship. No one ever gets anywhere by themselves, and for each of you, I'm eternally grateful!
Alright, enough waxing poetic about my reflections on 30! I've got giveaways from TCBY Bellevue in celebration of my birthday! Their grand opening is next Tuesday, April 29th, and while they've got A LOT planned for the big day, I've got some treats to whet your sweet palate in the meantime. One winner will receive a TCBY red velvet mousse cake, and five will be treated to a frozen yogurt w/toppings at TCBY.
Seattle/Bellevue and surrounding areas only, please!
Giveaway closes on Monday night, 11:59p.m. Good luck & have a wonderful weekend!